Monday, January 7, 2013

Let's Shatter The Myths About Drug Abuse

By: Tanya Roberts, Parent Blogger

The National Institute on Drug Abuse is holding the 3rd Annual National Drug Facts Week from January 28 - February 3, 2013. Taking part in National Drug Facts Week means you have the opportunity to help shatter the myths about drug use for teens.
Every day, teens are bombarded with conflicting messages that may leave them feeling confused and unsure of who to ask for information about drug use. With 7.4% of teens reporting abuse of prescription drugs in the past year and 22.6% of 12th graders reporting using marijuana in the past month, it’s crucial to reach teens with the facts.
As the mother of two teens, these numbers frighten me. As a social worker addressing the prevention of abuse of all substances, these numbers frighten me. As a neighbor, community activist and citizen, these numbers frighten me. 

I think the best resource we have is each other. It is incumbent on us to share the facts as we know them and to encourage others to understand why abusing and misusing alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription drugs is so dangerous. Teens are known for their naive inability to think beyond the now. We know this; we were all teens once, too. So, how do we get them to think years and decades ahead?
For me, the scare tactics worked. That whole, "This is your brain on drugs". But, also I knew my parents would be disappointed in me and that would have crushed me. I knew this because they talked with me, especially my Dad. He, too, was a social worker and understood how to approach me differently than my two sisters. So now, I am adapting what worked for me when I talk with my sons. My husband, who is also a social worker, obviously had different experiences and approaches our boys as a Dad and as a man. We have to work together to make sure our messages are consistent and not contradictory. The last thing we want is to confuse them further or have them think we are not on the same page.

Think about what would have helped you more when you were a teen. Do you talk with your own children or your friends? How do they respond? Does your family and community take proactive and positive stances to reduce drug issues? What approach worked for you? What is effective in your community?

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Complicated Role Of A Parent In 2012

Tanya Roberts, wife and mother of two from New Bern, North Carolina, is a new parent blogger for the National Family Partnership.

In 2012, the challenges I face as a parent are certainly different from those other generations have faced, but I doubt they are any more difficult. Sex, drugs and driving are our major concerns. Perhaps as parents they will always be. However, with the evolution of the internet, we now have some interesting problems never faced by previous parents.

I am a mother of two handsome, intelligent, compassionate, funny teenage sons. My husband and I try our best to remain parents who are engaged yet aloof, aware yet reserved and compassionate yet strong. The difficulty is clear. Every day.

This is it parents: if we do not take our responsibilities seriously, we cannot then hold our children accountable for their behavior. As a social worker who believes strongly in the individual's need to be independent, it can take and often does take, more than a few adults to shape a kid. We require a license to drive a vehicle, to cut hair and to sell property. We do not require any training, continuing education or examination for becoming a parent. Perhaps if we did, many would choose not to procreate those little darlings!

Until we as a society begin to understand the parent's role as a leader on a personal level, and perhaps higher, there is no greater expectation than to ensure our children are raised responsibly. At least, there should be no greater expectation. How my husband and I interact and react to each other has a significant bearing on how our boys are developing an awareness of their own behavior. We know we are not perfect people much less perfect parents. But, we are giving it our all.

Many of my peers cry or at least tear up on the first day of school, or on a milestone birthday or at an event. Not me. I celebrate every single time my boys do something on their own and I am not directly involved. Indirectly, I know I have a part in what they do, but my goal is to see them move forward and need me differently. Right now they need me to be present, set a positive example and communicate with them about why we do the things we do so they learn.

So what do you think? What makes parenting difficult for you in today's fast-paced world?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Simple Solution: Spend Time with Your Children

What can you do to prevent your children from engaging in underage drinking, substance abuse and other risky behavior? Spend time with them!!! Click here to view this video about the importance of spending more time with your children and tell us what you think!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Knowing Your Children's Friends' Parents

Your kids are going to a friend's house, but you don't know the parents. How can you be sure that your children are safe from harm? Maybe the other family considers something like serving alcohol to minors to be perfectly acceptable. Click here to view this video about the importance of knowing your children's friends' parents and tell us what you think!

Friday, June 19, 2009

If you Saw a 2 Year Old In the Street...

If you saw a 2-year-old in the street, you would stop everything you were doing and grab the child to protect him/her from danger. But if you were at the corner convenient store and saw a teenager illegally purchasing alcohol, would you react so quickly? View the video about this subject on our website and tell us what you think...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Parents, College Presidents Need Your Help - Are You Ready?

Here is a draft of a letter I am writing to the group of College Presidents advocating to lower the legal drinking age to 18...

Dear 100 College Presidents,

I am writing regarding your recent action to support lowering the drinking age to 18. Your reasoning and rationale did not mention anything about BRAIN DEVELOPMENT.

You as the recognized leaders in America to whom we in trust our youth during their critical and dangerous years (18-21) must know the brain is not fully developed until age 25!!!!! Drinking alcohol before age 21, especially binge drinking, is like pouring hot water on a jello mold. We trust you to lead and to educate our children which means you have to set boundaries and monitor their behaviors.

I know you are committed to providing an excellent academic education and want to invest your full time and resources into these endeavors.

I know that the drinking issue is huge and you must feel overwhelmed and like we as a society have just dumped the problem on you and expect you to solve something much bigger than the college campus.

You certainly need parents, polices and the entire community to help you reduce drinking on campus, at games, etc. We pledge our support and help to you and ask you to reconsider your decision. Building healthy brains is a big part of your job and you can not succeed by reducing the drinking age to 18.

Peggy Sapp

Parents, are you ready to help set boundaries and monitor behavior? The problem they are responding to can be prevented by parents taking action at a much earlier age. Parents, are you ready???

Monday, September 8, 2008

NFP's First Blog Post!

This is NFP’s first blog, but we have been spreading the drug prevention message for over 27 years. Wow, that’s a long time! When we started we thought the world would understand the dangers of drug use and chose to be drug free… it seemed like common sense. Do we have a shortage of common sense? Or maybe, we still don’t have the correct information and/or don’t like to make tough choices.

Most people don’t use illegal drugs and guess what??? Most people don’t drink alcohol, but you would never believe it to listen to the media. It is important to know that most people don't drink or use illegal drugs because WHEN WE THINK MOST PEOPLE DO, IT NORMALIZES THE BEHAVIOR AND PEOPLE (ESPECIALLY TEENS) ARE MORE LIKELY TO TRY USING ALCOHOL AND DRUGS.

Well, let’s keep it short…our mission is to help people (especially kids) reach their full potential and that is not possible if you fry your brain.

So our blog will try to answer your questions and give you the facts. Remember EMOTIONS ARE A FACT OF EACH PERSON'S LIFE - AND THEY FREQUENTLY DRIVE OUR BEHAVIORS. Hope you are feeling well and happy.